Bearded and Non-Binary: Art by JTC

Content summary: beards, non-binary, pride, self-expression

From the artist: I wanted to celebrate my non-binary friends who have beards because I feel that sometimes, as non-binary persons, in our quest to be recognized for who we are and what our genders are, we conform to a more androgynous or non-conforming way than we might feel comfortable with as a way of being recognized visually.

I think it i very brave to continue sporting something that has been labelled “masculine” by society for so long, and I am very excited to be living in a world where beards may no longer be seen as “male” but as the awesome, fuzzy, and comforting things that they are that happen to grow on some people’s faces more easily than others.

Thanks, JTC, for submitting this piece!

Readers, if you like this piece: let us know and we’ll consider making it a fine art print or sticker that you can buy in our store! (coming soon)

If crediting this piece/posting it elsewhere on the internet: Please credit

bearded and nonbinary - pink.png