Enby Pins! Gender Neutral, Genderfluid, and Others @ Mox Boarding House in Seattle


Sweet swiggity swag alert! If you’re of the nerdy persuasion and you love pins, pop on down to board game store Mox Boarding House’s Seattle location in Ballard. You’ll find a variety of gender-themed 20-sided die pins, including gender neutral, gender fluid, and chaotic pan, by Seattle-based enby pin-maker This is Hannako (she/they).

The Seattle location of Mox Boarding House is in Ballard off of Leary. It also has a cafe!

The Seattle location of Mox Boarding House is in Ballard off of Leary. It also has a cafe!

Mox Boarding House is a queer- and trans-positive board game store which has and employs members of the non-binary and transgender communities. The Seattle location hosts Knights of the Queer Table Game Night meet-ups on a regular basis, and the Bellevue location hosts Quantum Queer Cosplay & Board Game nights. There are also plenty of other, non-queer specific events that might tickle your fancy!

However, we’re yet to see an event at Mox that is hyper-specific to enby board gamers. While LGBTQI+ events provide a valuable safe space for the queer community at large, non-binary persons often remain the minority even in these queer settings, and still risk being mis-gendered or feeling like an outsider (although we rest assured that mis-gendering and enby-phobic behaviors would not be tolerated in a queer-positive space such as Mox).

How cool would it be to game with groups of other non-binary players? If you’re into this idea, consider dropping Mox an email and hosting an event at either of their locations. You can contact the Seattle location and events coordinator by emailing: seaevents@moxboardinghouse.com . For the Bellevue location, please email belevents@moxboardinghouse.com .

*The Bellevue location has not been checked for these pins. If you stop by and they have them in stock, please let us know so we can update this post.