Swag Alert! Pronoun Pins @ Molly Moon's in Wallingford & Capitol Hill


If you’ve got a hankering for ice cream (including vegan options) and are on the hunt for some pronoun pins, you can find them at Molly Moon’s Ice Cream in Wallingford and on Capitol Hill (both in Seattle) for a mere $1 - including they/them and zie/zir pins!

molly moons pride cone.PNG

Molly Moon’s Ice Cream is a trans- and non-binary-friendly space and employer of non-binary persons. During Pride month this year, Molly Moon’s donated 100% of profits from these same pronoun pins and their 2019 “Pride Cone” (a rainbow-like stack of Strawberry rhubarb sorbet, Rachel’s Ginger Beer passionfruit sherbet, vegan matcha, and blackberry) to three different LGBTQ+ nonprofits.

We’re glad to see that the pins have remained a staple of the Wallingford and Capitol Hill locations, even after Pride month. Maybe next year, we can convince Molly Moon’s to include a non-binary pride cone of yellow, white, purple, and black in their festivities!

*The other Molly Moon’s locations have not been checked for this swag. If you happen by one of them, please let us know if they are available there as well, and we’ll update this post.