Were You at Today's Gender X Public Hearing in Seattle?

Today at the Seattle Public Library was the first of three public hearings regarding the Washington State Department of Licensing’s proposed addition of the gender designation “X” on state-issued IDs and licenses.


There were about 100-150 people in attendance. All persons who chose to speak were in favor of the proposed change, and a wide variety of perspectives were represented, including persons of color, binary-gendered persons (including transpersons), parents and expecting parents, lawyers, religious persons, and even a high school student.

We will be posting a recording and transcript of the hearing once it becomes available.

There are two more public hearings this week:

  • Olympia: Tomorrow, August 13 @ 5pm @ State Capital (Columbia Room)

  • Spokane: Thursday, August 15 @ 4pm @ Spokane Public Library

And you can also submit your opinion or show your support online through the WA state DOL website.

If you were at the hearing and would like to submit your opinion, experience, or other non-binary related piece to us, please do! You can browse our Submission FAQ here, find more information about MyGenderIsX and our mission here, and can submit works through our Submission Form.

We look forward to hearing from you!